There are always little tips that you find out along the way that are useful and that you almost always wish you knew earlier because it would have saved you a lot of time and effort. These are a few that I have found that I hope you will find useful, too.
Tip #1: Dry erase markers make great erasing tools. They will take permanent marker off of anything that has been laminated or is plastic. This way you can continue to use posters over and over again. Just use your dry erase marker and color over the permanent marker then use a kleenex to wipe it off, and voila! you now have a clean poster.
Tip #2: Magic Erasers will become your new best friend! They can be used to clean just about anything off of anything. Once you start using them, you'll never go back to any of those stinky sprays again! Crayon marks on the table (or wall)? No problem! Glue on the table? Gone! Random sticky stuff? Wipes right off! As a bonus it can alao be used to clean those stubborn marks off of a dy erase board! I highly recommend investing in some of these; they will change your life!
Have any good tips you want to share? Stay tuned for more tips, tricks, and a little randomness!
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